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Io Donna is the female counterpart of Corriere della Sera, from which it has inherited its authoritativeness, flavor, and balance.

It's the magazine that has changed what it means to be a woman in Italy.

Its target audience is the woman who knows how to strike a balance between commitments, culture, and the most typical women's interests, such as fashion, cosmetics, entertainment, decor, and cuisine.

Io Donna readers have a split personality: alongside the busy, sophisticated woman, there's a more feminine woman, looking for health and beauty advice.

The magazine's format reflects this dual nature, with every issue beginning with an attention-getting cover story dedicated to a high-profile woman, from where it branches off into the classic structure of women's magazines for a refined readership.

Io Donna has a unique editorial formula for reporting on fashion: every week this magazine reports on fashion as if it were tackling a story, a single theme covered with the aid of the imagination and fashion items.

The result is a new discovery with every edition. The setting for and the themes of the fashion pieces are of such originality that Io Donna truly brings to life clothing items and accessories.

Io Donna, on account of its versatility and creativity, of the rich imagination of its editorial staff and collaborators is also an effective medium that is fully equipped to conceive and execute special operations tailored to its customers’ needs.

Country: Italy
City: Milan
Country: France
City: Gennevilliers

"SOME Magazine emerges from an urge to fight monotony with an experimental approach to the magazine industry thus they are constantly aiming for alternative options to delight their readers."

SOME is an independently-published international magazine based in Puerto Rico. The magazine is published quarterly in digital format. They are devoted to fashion, art and design. SOME is a reference guide for personal style and is expected to inspire rather than dictate.

The magazine is divided in three sections:

- SOME STUFF features a vast selection of editorial stories by a diversity of contributors.

- SOME PROJECTS reinvent the magazine one issue at a time.

- SOME ONE proposes an innovative way of interviewing.

Their objective is to end monotony by being spontaneous and unexpected. They want their readers to become self-conscious when establishing their personal styles and be inspired by everything that surrounds them. They encourage people to pursue individuality and uniqueness. They incite everybody to exploit imagination and to take risks when it comes to the creative process therefore they give their contributors the freedom an artist deserves.

Their manifesto is: "Fashion is the art form and Personal Style the medium."

Country: Brazil
City: Puerto Rico

Vogue is a fashion and lifestyle magazine published in 16 countries + Latin America by Condé Nast Publications. Each month, Vogue publishes a magazine addressing topics of fashion, life and design.

Vogue is most famous as a presenter of images of high fashion and high society, but it also publishes writings on art, culture, politics, and ideas. It has also helped to enshrine the fashion model as celebrity.

Country: Mexico
City: Mexico City
Country: Austria
City: Vienna

Plastique semi-annual luxury fashion and culture magazine from UK, Plastique has a strong creative and fashion style identity. With individual graphic design approach and focus on design and style it has made a place for itself in exclusive fashion magazines

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: Italy
City: Milan
Country: Austria
City: Vienna
Country: Denmark
City: Hellerup
