Women's Health India

Fit is the New Sexy.

The ultimate guide to getting healthy--and loving it. Women's Health India offers the latest news in workouts, nutrition, health, sex and relationships, and even the environment, giving you the tools you need to live the life you want.

First launched in 2005 in the US by Rodale Inc., Women's Health has 14 international editions in 26 countries with over 12 million readers worldwide. WH is brought to you in India by the India Today Group.



The only magazine focused on beauty in the world of upscale women's press.

It is truly a reference, an expert authority close to its readers.

Votre Beauté is the beauty reference for readers, true shoppers and experts.

Each month, Votre Beauté:

- unfolds the latest trends and all the newest items

- compares the opinions of experts and professionals

- opens up to beauty and makes it part of an approach to ‘‘being beautiful'', including nutrition, fashion and psychology.

Country: France
City: Issy-les-Moulineaux

Felderhof is a quality magazine for readers with an above-average income. The magazine is very much appreciated by these readers, as appears from the public award it won in 2007. Felderhof appears six times a year and offers a great variety of subjects that are dealt with in an original way. The result is a magazine full of inspiration, passion and the good life. Felderhof is the ultimate form of multimedia, a combination of television and magazine, in which the producer of the TV-programme is at the same time the producer of the magazine.

Country: Netherlands
City: Hoofddorp

In 2005 AnOther Man was launched to cater to an expanding menswear market and resurgence of creativity in men’s fashion. Essays and interviews with figures like JG Ballard, Richard Prince and Tom Waits alongside pioneering fashion made it the first magazine for men that combined intelligence, luxury and a sense of adventure. Both titles have grown alongside one another as separate but complimentary books.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: United States
City: Van Nuys
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Germany
City: Berlin

SURE is the shopping bible of affluent career women. SURE is the most trendy shopping guide magazine for career women, a smart shopping class of the present emerging as new market.

SURE’s readers are powerful employed women. Early adopters who have a highly developed sense of fashion, take pleasure in viewing advertisements, and prefer new

products and famous brands. They are career women who are the best make up for the readership of SURE.

SURE is composed of 3 sections that include fashion, beauty and lifestyle by focusing on the highest concerns or interest of career women and constructing it with high-quality content.

In August 2001, SURE was launched as the first magazine targeting for 25 year-old women. Research conducted on 1,500 25 year-olds demonstrated the need for a shopping magazine that could help them to compare and analyze fashion and beauty items before going out to buy them. 『SURE』 differentiates itself from other magazines such as traditional young fashion magazines that tend to push certain fashion styles and luxury magazines that are only full of visuals. It is SURE’s exclusive concept to disclose the sales data of hot places and shops evaluated by professional testers and editors to help readers buy items smartly. Smart shopping for career women has now begun, and SURE seeks to become a shopping companion providing practical information for them.

Country: South Korea
City: Seoul
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Almaty

SPUR is as an intellectual fashion magazine.Its readers are late teens into the 30s, but most readers are in their 20s. It features clothing that is a mixture of classy, elegance, casual and self-conscious, kind of right in the middle between Vogue Nippon and non-no.

Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
Website: http://spur.jp

Gist 100 RUNWAY ANALYSIS is a new concept and a new publication dealing with fashion, very different from those already available in the market. Gist 100 features an analysis and a summary of the collections. The name of the magazine refers to 100 kinds of gists (key points, themes). Gist100 focuses on "fast and accurate understanding" relying on such instant means as keywords and images. Gist100 is divided in 9 sections including colour, material, style and fantasy. The colour and the fantasy sections in particular have drawn the hottest attention from the buyers.

Country: South Korea
City: Seoul
Country: Israel
Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul

Volt Magazine is a creative hybrid that they created to showcase original (specifically commissioned) work form some of the most directional and vital international fashion talents that are fuelling the British scene right now.

Over-sized and unbound the unique format was conceived so that every inch could be relished simultaneously and to push the conventional magazine format way beyond its tight perimeters, producing something that genuinely works a fresh perspective.

Snubbing the inherent censorship that somes with cosying up too close to celebrity Volt's a serious salute to those photographers, stylists, hair & make-up artists and writers still serious about experimenting with fashion without any ties - dispensing with the fame for finance attitude in favour of a magazine with real integrity.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
