Women's Health USA

Women's Health reaches a new generation of women who don't like the way most women's magazines make them feel.

Women's Health is for the woman who wants to reach a healthy, attractive weight but doesn't equate that with having thighs the size of toothpicks. They know that exercising and eating well will make you happier and stronger (even if after-work runs can really suck). That looking and feeling good have very little to do with cosmetics and high heels (though they can help you feel glamorous on a Saturday night). And that life can be stressful since there's never enough time, but balance is achievable (with a little help).

Most of all, WH focuses on what you can do, right now, to improve your life.



Country: United Kingdom
City: London

Shape Magazine (or Shape) is a monthly English language fitness magazine started by Weider Publications in 1981. Weider was purchased by American Media in 2002.

Country: United States
City: New York

BUCK is a monthly men's magazine based in the UK and available internationally, focusing on fashion, design and food. Launched on 30 October 2008, BUCK is an independent title edited and published by Steve Doyle. In a report by The Future Laboratory, BUCK is described as "arguably one of the first post-lad, post-breasts magazines in Britain".

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

Vanity Fair Germany was launched on 7 February 2007 and after two years Condé Nast has closed the German edition on 19 February 2009. It was edited by Bernd Runge.

Editor in Chief of the German edition was from its founding to 11th January 2008 Ulf Poschardt , and he was succeeded in May 2008 by Nikolaus Albrecht. While the U.S. edition of the magazine is published monthly, the German Vanity Fair was a weekly magazine.

Country: Germany
City: Berlin
Country: Ukraine
City: Kiev
Country: South Africa
City: Craighall

Vanity Fair is a magazine of pop culture, fashion, and politics published by Condé Nast Publications. The present Vanity Fair has been published since 1983 and there have been editions for four European countries as well as the U.S. edition.

Country: Italy
City: Milan

The Pink Ribbon magazine (PINK) is a stylish feel-good magazine radiating positive energy.

There is still a lot to be done in the field of breast cancer in terms of prevention, information and support. But PINK is and wants to achieve more than that. PINK is a feel-good glossy that will appeal to all women. Not only because of its content, but also because all proceeds go to the fight against breast cancer. With this annual magazine Sanoma Uitgevers hopes to be able to make a substantial contribution to a.o. research into breast cancer.

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam

Libelle is the biggest women’s weekly in the Netherlands and was recently awarded the title Magazine of the Year. Libelle gives information and inspiration on all subjects the average Dutch woman is interested in.

Libelle is a strong multimedia brand and has a good relationship with its readers. Each week Libelle receives more than 500 telephone calls, 250 letters and 300 e-mails and responses to actions. Besides, Libelle has a great practical value. Recipes are tried out and vouchers are sent in and used. Offers in Libelle have the highest response compared to other magazines. Libelle has a strong online community with a focus on nice, everyday matters. A three-dimensional element of the brand is Libelle Summerweek: the biggest outside event for women attracting more than 80.000 visitors. The Libelle specials go more deeply into important subjects for women, like house and home, the balance between work and private life and travel. Libelle also introduces innovations. Examples are the launch of the website Libelle.nl (1996), of web-TV and Radio Libelle (2002) and of the cross media initiative Casa Libelle: a real-life soap about running a bed & breakfast in Barcelona (2005) and from February 2009 the digital thriller soap Deadline on libelle.nl

Country: Netherlands
City: Rotterdam
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: Belgium
City: Brussels
Country: Denmark
City: Copenhagen
