WWD Japan

WWD is the media of record for senior executives in the global women’s and men’s fashion, retail and beauty communities and the consumer media that cover the market.

WWD Magazines set the trends the world follows, engaging fashion, retail and beauty power players with compelling issues that offer the first look at what's next in global fashion.



Country: Belgium
City: Brussels

deFUZE was established in November 2011 and is now being published about every two months.

It’s a project that was targeting young people to encourage them to persuade their dreams and passion. For many young photographers, artists and fashionistas it is very hard to break the ice in the fashion industry which is often ruthless and unforgivable. deFUZE stands its own by supporting people with true talent unable to promote and market themselves.

deFUZE was found and created by Bartosz Och who is now the Chief Editor of this vastly growing publication. He is also a completely self-taught photographer who understands the ups and downs of fashion.

Bartosz, born 1986 in Katowice, Poland, graduated with Diploma of Higher Education in Printing Technologies and Printing Preparation Processes. He then worked in several printing houses before moving to London where he now works and lives persuading the dream of making deFUZE one of the most recognizable and fashionable publications in the world.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

womanandhome.com offers interactive advice on the latest in fashion, beauty, food, travel, lifestyle and more

Delivers great content daily with warmth and personality

A growing network of like-minded women who communicate with each other daily

Weekly newsletter offering the latest from woman and home every Wednesday

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: Czech Republic
City: Praha

Stylish hairstyles, the latest trends and all the necessary information and advice on choosing the best haircut and hairstyle.

Country: Russia
City: Moscow

Vogue Deutsch is published in Germany by Conde Nast Verlag GmbH twelve times a year. The Editor-in-Chief is Christiane Arp and the Creative Director is Reto Brunnter. The paper quality and printing is typically European with a hard semi-gloss cover. The German Vogue eye is very like a mix between French, Italian, and American Vogue. For me, it is very hard to pinpoint with a definative description. Colour is very important to German Vogue, as evidenced by it's colour-drenched interior and it's subtle use of colour on most covers. All of the inside photo editorials are original, using such varied photographers as Christophe Kutner, Mario Testino, Karl Lagerfeld, Mark Abrahams, Arthur Elgort, Rankin, and Ruven Afanador. As of yet, they have not been bitten by the celebrity bug (but getting close), which as far as I'm concerned, is a sign of loss of creativity. Models are mostly multi-cultural. Vogue Deutsch began publishing with the August 1979 issue.

Country: Germany
City: Munich

Sva is Norway`s leading biannual fashion magazine. A beautiful glossy publication that invites, and challenges the reader to go beyond fashion. True to its Scandinavian soul...SVA is raw yet sophisticated, pure but ultra sexy! SVA is Nordic passion and poetry made fashion!

Country: Norway
City: Bergen

Please ! is an international magazine on jewelry, fashion and culture for contemporary women.

Expert, stimulating, daring, and not taking itself too seriously, it offers contemporary women a sharp and qualitative editorial line that redefines the aesthetic codes of jewelry representation while unveiling fashion in an original and hedonistic way.

Created by the most astute writers and refined image makers, Please ! is a creative laboratory that celebrates beauty in all its manifestations and puts fun back into fashion and jewelry .

Country: France
City: Paris

The collections of the top fashion designers from the catwalks of Paris and Rome. And in addition: the finest, most exclusive fabrics, de luxe bridal creations and recherché accessories.

Country: Italy
City: Modena

Fash­ion Jour­nal is the voice of urban style on the streets. Australia’s pre­mier free fash­ion mag­a­zine is the go-to guide for fashion-savvy trend-setters show­cas­ing the fresh­est blend of fash­ion with a uniquely local feel.

Reflect­ing the con­stantly evolv­ing world of youth and street fash­ion trends, FJ is renowned for expos­ing the most antic­i­pated design­ers our coun­try has to offer. Lus­cious adver­to­r­ial pages show­case the lat­est ranges and pieces while inspir­ing, fun fash­ion shoots bring to life the colour and trends of the season.

Fea­tur­ing both local and inter­na­tional design­ers this bi-monthly com­pendium has become the apoth­e­o­sis of street and high fash­ion since it strode down the pub­li­ca­tion cat­walk in 1991. Now dis­trib­ut­ing copies to over 1200 points includ­ing fash­ion bou­tiques, chain stores, cafes and hair salons nation­wide FJ is the most acces­si­ble guide to what’s hot right now in the world of fashion.

Country: Australia
City: Richmond
Country: France
City: Paris

Cosmopolitan Shopping is the best guide for stylish shopping.

This trendy, interesting and useful publication can actually give the answers to the three main questions of the female universe: What should I buy? Where should I shop? What goes with what?

Country: Russia
City: Moscow

GQ Australia, or Gentlemen's Quarterly Australia, is the Australian version of popular magazine for men, GQ. GQ is also commonly referred to as the male Vogue, with GQ Australia corresponding to Vogue Australia. The magazine is aimed at male adults, generally businessmen, who have some sort of flair for style, with articles ranging from style, to cars, to sex.

The magazine is published by News Magazines.

Country: Australia
City: Surry Hills
