Drop of water & soap bubble - Film contest on the Poetry by Joachim Ringelnatz




44 Südersteinstraße, Cuxhaven, Niedersachsen 27472, Germany
Founded: 2016
Country: Canada
City: Toronto
Address: 506 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1Y3, Canada
Tel: 416 648 4274
Founded: 2019
Country: United States
City: Missoula
Tel: 406-532-5399
Founded: 2019
Country: United States
City: Fort Collins
Address: 1101 Central Avenue Mall, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521, United States
Founded: 2019
Country: Australia
City: Melbourne
Tel: 5124
Founded: 2019
Country: United States
City: United States
Founded: 2017
Country: Russian Federation
City: Moscow
Address: Prospekt Mira, 109, Moskva, Russia, Moskva 129515, Russian Federation
Founded: 2017
Country: United States
City: New York
Address: 358 West 44th Street, New York, New York 10036, United States
Tel: 1-800-249-6017
Founded: 2019
Country: United States
City: United States
Address: 445 North Main Street, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901, United States
Tel: 920-637-1757
Founded: 2016
Country: United States
City: Beverly Hills
Address: 11246 West Magnolia Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 91601, United States
Founded: 2019
Country: United Kingdom
City: United Kingdom
Address: Dugard Way, Lambeth, London, England SE11 4TH, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)775-859-9074
