Eurovision Palermo Film Festival




14 Via XX Settembre, Matera, Basilicata 75100,
Founded: 2010
Country: United States
City: Napa
Tel: (707) 226-7500
Founded: 2016
Country: India
City: New Delhi
Address: 40, 40, KK Birla Marg, Lodhi Gardens, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110003, India
Tel: -9063
Founded: 2016
Country: Canada
City: Canada
Address: 100 McCaul Street, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1W1, Canada
Founded: 2017
Country: United States
City: Portland
Address: 510 Southwest Hall Street, Portland, Oregon 97201, United States
Tel: (503) 213-9941
Founded: 2016
Country: Australia
City: Brisbane
Address: 1015 Sandgate Road, Nundah, Brisbane, Queensland 4012, Australia
Founded: 2015
Country: the former Yugoslav Republic of
City: Skopje
Address: Луј Пастер 3 Скопје/ Luj Paster 3 Skopje, Skopje 1000, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Tel: 00389 78 377 013
Founded: 2013
Country: Mexico
City: Mexico City
Address: 202 Avenida Tamaulipas, Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México 06170,
Tel: 556-870-5753
Founded: 2019
Country: United Kingdom
City: United Kingdom
Address: 39 Deptford Broadway, England SE8 4PQ, United Kingdom
Founded: 2016
Country: Spain
City: Valladolid
Address: 41 Calle Galena, Valladolid, Castilla y León 47012,
