
Open Call for Submissions: The Doorkeeper Art Zine

Open Call for Submissions: The Doorkeeper Art Zine

We are thrilled to announce the launch of The Doorkeeper, a new art zine dedicated to exploring the intersection of art, philosophy, and poetry. We are currently accepting submissions from artists, writers, philosophers and poets for our upcoming issues, and we invite you to be a part of this exciting journey.

Upcoming Themes:

  • "A State of Grace" - October 2024

  • "Faut-il mourir pour Dantzig?" - December 2024

  • "The true meaning of Love" - February 2025

  • "Lighter than a Feather" - April 2025

Submissions open for Autumn / Winter Edition of Black Square (Sifr) Journal

Writing must be between 750 - 10,000 words. Focus ought to be religion, art, philosophy, music, literature. Paintings/photos/drawings, if accepted, will be printed in B&W. Recipes for dishes, either new or traditional, are greatly encouraged. New musical compositions rendered as sheet music greatly encouraged.

POETRY IS NOT ENCOURAGED but will be considered.

edited by Paul Luria and AC Pinkhasov

See for a sense of what we're interested in. 

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