
Call for Submissions LGBTQIA+ and Allies

Call for submissions for an anthology on the experiences of LGBTQIA+ persons and allies on reconciling their faith, gender identity and sexuality. Submissions are accepted starting April 1-July 31, 2021. The following submissions will be accepted: art, photograghy, poems, fiction, non-fiction, short stories, comics, sermons, essays, chants and prayers.



Literary Arts | Writing Studio Online 2021

An ideal environment for artistic inspiration and growth, Writing Studio Online 2021 provides writers and poets with extended mentorship and interaction with exceptional faculty. Focused on early and mid-stage career writers of fiction (or other narrative prose) and poetry who are currently working towards developing a book-length manuscript with the guidance of an experienced mentor. 

What does the program offer?
This program is designed to offer talks, readings, Q&A sessions and mentorship in accordance to each individual participant’s needs and desired outcomes, in addition, the opportunity to work with our esteemed faculty mentors during the two-week program.

All Residency Programs for Artists & Writers (Self-Guided or With Master Instruction) – All Dates in 2021 / 2022 / 2023 – Cusco, Peru

Arquetopia Peru International Artist Residency – Cusco, Peru
All Residency Programs for Artists & Writers (Programs With or Without Instruction) – All Dates in 2021 / 2022 / 2023

Apply Now through Sunday, March 14, 2021. Spaces are limited. Residency applications are evaluated for selection as they are received vs. after the deadline has passed.

Website: https://www.arquetopia.org/open-calls-deadlines
E-mail info@arquetopia.org for more information.

All Residency Programs for Artists & Writers (Self-Guided or With Master Instruction) – All Dates in 2021 / 2022 / 2023 – Oaxaca, Mexico

Arquetopia Oaxaca International Artist Residency – Oaxaca, Mexico
All Residency Programs for Artists & Writers (Programs With or Without Instruction) – All Dates in 2021 / 2022 / 2023

Apply Now through Sunday, March 14, 2021. Spaces are limited. Residency applications are evaluated for selection as they are received vs. after the deadline has passed.

Website: https://www.arquetopia.org/open-calls-deadlines
E-mail info@arquetopia.org for more information.

Dictionary of Colors

“Dictionary of Colors” is the fourth, and final, issue of Volume 1 of The Mobile Library. The Mobile Library provides a multi-digital exhibiting experience for artists and writers to showcase their work during the pandemic closures. Each publication is unique, paring artists and writers together at different stages in their career to build a collaborative experience.

Volume 1 Issue 4 is seeking 6 writers and 6 artists to submit drawings to help us create a fine art literary coloring book. This coloring book will be available for download to anyone from anywhere to participate in The Mobile Library. We hope this collaborative experience will provide a much needed distraction during the pandemic closures.

Indigenous Arts | Writing Over Here: Open Rezidency ONLINE


Write Over Here: Open Rezidency is a three week online self-directed residency, where self-motivated writers are invited to work within their community to engage with faculty to support their practice.  Participants will meet with the faculty team via Zoom for weekly gathering where they cohort will come together to connect, share readings, and have deeper discussions on their process. 

Throughout the residency, faculty will offer one-on-one meetings, as well as workshops that explore different writing practices. Writers will have the opportunity to engage with faculty throughout their time as needed and scheduled, and are encouraged to connect with their peers, as well as continue to engage in their independent writing practice on and offline.


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