
Open Call | ID-ENTITIES: Imprints of Personal Data Exhibition

ATHENS PRINTMAKING ART CENTER - PANDOLFINI & SIATERLI C.N.P.P. welcomes submissions from printmakers, visual artists and groups, from all over the world for its upcoming international printmaking exhibition with the topic ID-ENTITIES: Imprints of Personal Data which will take place in 2025 at ETCH INK art space, in Athens (Greece).

International Art Networks Residency

The “art networks” call is addressed to artists interested in participating in the creation of an international network of exchange, collaboration, and support through various activities. It is a residency that will take place on the island of Poros in Greece, organized by the members of the artistic multi-space Calderone. It hopes to bring together artists and creative individuals from around the world and initiate a much larger and active network.


Thessaloniki International Digital Arts festival (THEDAF) THEDAF #1 “Thessaloniki: Affective Atmospheres (Part 1)”

The international Eye's Walk Digital Festival and the MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art embark on a unique collaboration: The quite new Thessaloniki International Digital Arts Festival (THEDAF) is sought to expand the concept of heritage and become a meeting point for contemporary art with the public history of Thessaloniki today, through digital art, performance, circus art, and psychogeographical wandering.

We invite participants to share affective atmospheres and personal and collective experiences around the city, its connection with the rest of the world and ultimately its future.
Because the future for us is never merely idealistic or local but encompasses action and the possibility of coexistence with the world.

Art Park Rhodes

The art park in rhodes is a non profit cultural organisation that promotes the arts in the Greek island of Rhodes.


Combine your holidays with an exhibition in our gallery.


We have visitors daily from all over the world, who are on holidays in Rhodes.


You can exhibit for free, we do Not take any commission on sales and you can have free space for work in a beautiful natural environment. 


In the art park there are outdoor exhibition facilities as well as an indoor gallery

CiW 9: Epoché

International Open Call for entries addressed to visual artists for their participation in a curated  exhibition of contemporary watercolor art organized in Athens. The exhibition is part of the COLOR IN WATER (CiW) series of events to promote artists using these media of expression, and will include artists from around the world showcasing the potential of the medium today. 

The official languages ​​of the exhibition are Greek and English, and a commemorative catalog-book will be issued in digital format in both languages. The exhibition will also be available internationally online through the ARTgrID platform.

Human Geographies

Chili Art Gallery in collaboration with the Art Curator Paris Kapralos invites artists to submit their interest in participating in the exhibition “Anthropogeographies.” The exhibition will be physically hosted in Athens and simultaneously accessible online.

This exhibition explores the interactions between the natural/artificial/virtual-technological environment and humans.

Original artworks of any style and artistic processing, representational or non-representational, expressionism, symbolism, abstraction, or any other choice, are accepted for the exhibition. Artworks such as paintings, prints, photographs, digital prints, collages, mosaics, sculptures, and video art are all welcome.


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