
Food Stories and Recipes Exchange : Open Call

This is a food stories and recipes exchange project. We invite you to share a memory and recipe of a food that holds personal meaning for you. In return, you will receive one or more recipes and stories from others. You can then recreate these dishes guided by the shared stories. 

The goal of the project is to build a network of connections by exploring and sharing personal food experiences, stories, and memories. It seeks to understand how we cherish, associate, interact and listen to food. We have chosen sound as our methodology and hope to delve into the hidden micro-ecologies around food.


Kaunas Artists’ House (KAH, Lithuania) together with Kulturni Centar LAB (Novi Sad, Serbia) are starting to carry out the Reciprocal Residency Programme DeMo (abbreviation of Decoding Modernity). The programme aims to explore the connections between different modernities and to unravel modernity as a phenomenon in the broader sense of time and space and across cultural, scientific, societal and industrial developments.


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