Views: 180
Sector: contemporary dance
Country: Europe
Europe: France
City: Montpellier
Size: 2 - 10 employees
Address: 14 rue Dom Vaissette 34000 Montpellier
Phone: 04 67 20 13 42

- About -

dansePlatForma was born 3 years ago with the aim of establishing an artistic cooperation between east and west.
For this 2nd edition, we have decided to invite Ukrainians artists and to extend dansePlatForma to the whole of eastern Europe. We will welcome artists who border on the conflict in Ukraine, as well as Russian artists who are dissident or opposed to the war.
Keeping the dialogue with artists in Europe is now more necessary than ever. Our commitment will be continued with the new edition of dansePlatForma, both transnational and deeply European.
dansePlatForma opens a new horizon with the language of dance as a universal expression between peoples.

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