
Night Skies and Astro Imaging

Night Skies and Astro Imaging


Free entry│Call for Exhibition

Photographers are invited to submit 1 up to 3 photos addressing the theme.

Group Exhibition in Rome or Milan city. April 2023


Since the days of ancient Greece, the contemplation of the night sky has stimulated thoughts on our existence, on our being in the world and on the unknown infinity outside of it.

The evolution of Western thinking lays the foundations of the relationship with the universe according to a philosophical and scientific vision, supported by the technological evolution of the past centuries, have provided answers and shaped the awareness of our being.

A Shared Table: Images of Conviviality and Cultures


A Shared Table: Images of Conviviality and Cultures


Free entry│Call for Exhibition

Photographers are invited to submit 1 up to 3 photos addressing the theme.

Group Exhibition in Rome or Milan city. March 2023


The representation of food has continuously been over the centuries at the center of the interest of artists and, subsequently, of photographers: first off through still lifes, then with the use of photography and even Eat Art. Food declares who we are and suggests the habits we have - gastronomical, social and cultural. This call intends to collect photographs that gravitate around the theme of food, conviviality and domestic hospitality.


Submissions » http://bit.ly/loosenartcalls


VISIONS OF SOUND: Noises, Rhythms and Acoustic Ambients


Free entry│Call for Exhibition

Photographers are invited to submit 1 up to 3 photos addressing the theme.

Group Exhibition in Rome or Milan city. December 2022


The theme of this call plays on the overlapping and substitution of different registers and interchange among senses. How could sound be illustrated through photographic representation? How can two-dimensional visuality replace the fullness of harmonies, or even the sounds of the spaces we inhabit every day? This call is for all the photographers who are interested in the documentation of sound through its iconographic, literal, symbolic etc.


Submissions » http://bit.ly/loosenartcalls

Migrations and The Shifting Borders


Call for Exhibition │Free entry

Accepted media: Photography, Video, Digital Visual Design

Group Exhibition in Rome or Milan city. December 2022


The current events that provoke mass migration, as shown by the war in Ukraine, or those involving millions of people driven by hunger or, as is also happening in more developed countries, driven by the search for working opportunities, well testify such a human behavior inherent in its own nature, a behavior that explicits the need and urgency of a universal recognition of a right which is still too often opposed today by a widespread cultural xenophobia.


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