

Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague

Corduroy is based on the idea that a corduroy jacket never goes out of style. In the same way, they profile actors, musicians, designers and fine artists who aren’t looking to follow mainstream trends, but rather focused on creating something classic.

Part gallery space and part storybook, Corduroy is as much about quality writing as it is about strong design. There are equal pages dedicated to art as there are to writing. The result is a timeless publication that is kept and treasured. Whether on the coffee table or on the bookshelf, this is a magazine that, like a corduroy jacket, will remain with readers for years to come.

Corduroy is sold at major retailers across North America, including Barnes & Noble, Universal News, Chapters/Indigo and Books-A-Million, as well as in leading boutiques like Colette (Paris), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), Opening Ceremony (New York and Los Angeles) and the Gagosian Gallery. They are also distributed internationally in select cities like London, Paris, Stockholm, Sydney, Seoul, Hong Kong, Barcelona, Bangkok and Berlin.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: China
City: Hong Kong
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: China
City: Guangzhou
Country: France
City: Paris

A new publication that helps to understand the main tendency and the concrete details in each item. 100 styles in each item would be the best fit quantity to understand the overall trend and enough details.

Country: South Korea
City: Seoul

Published in an impressive XXL size, Sparkle is the first Hong Kong magazine entirely dedicated to the world of jewelry.

Country: China
City: Hong Kong
Country: France
City: Clichy
Country: Germany
City: Munich

We feel and sometimes we try not to feel what we actually feel. Deep inside there is something indefineable, something which stops us in being happy, being upset, being critcal, in general being what we actually are.LE MILE is convinced that creativity and empathy make victory possible. We all know that the world is full of injustice, prejudice, and ignorance. Are all this mentioned points the reason of this something indefinable deep inside us? LE MILE is convinced. Join the path of Mile, a beautiful and innocent young lady, who wants to know who she really is. There is this enigmatic and long moment between birth and death. LE MILE tells that arduous experiences she went through by different editorials of high talented fashion photographers and poetic writers from all over the world. Often art makes us live together. Like in the Factory of Andy Warhol LE MILE is the stage for those who have messages for their surroundings. No economic, religious, or cultural crises can change creativity. Only individuality causes change in personality of a crowd. Come with us as a companion and take some miles through the magazines and discover the reality of life.

Country: United States
City: New York
