Views: 886
Sector: Education, Art Residency Programme
Country: United Kingdom
City: Margate
Size: 2 - 10 employees
Address: TKE Studios 99 Victoria Rd Margate CT9 1RD

- About -

The Tracey Emin Foundation, based in Margate, provides professional studio spaces and exhibition opportunities for contemporary artists. Our facilities include TKE Studios, a dedicated professional studio environment where artists can create and develop their work. We also host the TEARS (Tracey Emin Artist Residency) programme, designed to support painters in honing their craft over an 18-month residency.
Currently, we are featuring TEARS: The Final Show, an exhibition running from June 30th to September 1st, showcasing the work of our current resident artists. This exhibition marks the culmination of their creative journey within our programme.

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